Red Rose

Work hard, be kind

Curriculum Overview

Curriculum Intent:

Our Life at Lathom offer is intended to give every student a range of wider learning experiences which takes them beyond their own everyday experiences and enables them, regardless of their background, to be socially mobile, culturally aware, and well equipped to succeed in life. We assert that dedication and care is shown through the challenge we offer to everyone to work hard to be the very best they can be and be truly PROUD of their identity, their school, and their community.

Our curriculum is the core of the learning experience and entwines with our PROUD ethos to construct the scaffold to success for our students.

As recognised by Ofsted (June 2022):

Leaders, staff, and governors are ambitious for all students.

Pupils in key stage 3 have more time to study a range of subjects in sufficient depth. In key stage 4, the subjects that make up the English Baccalaureate are at the heart of the curriculum.

The Lathom curriculum encompasses the academic and personal development of students, so that they hold a positive role and make meaningful contributions to their own lives, their own families, Lathom High School, their own communities, and life beyond Lathom.

At Lathom the curriculum students experience:
• is mapped to meet the breadth and ambition of the National Curriculum, so that students have the essential knowledge that they need to be educated citizens in the modern world.
• is mapped at a subject level, ensuring knowledge is sequenced and builds on prior knowledge including knowledge from Key Stage 2 so that students become more knowledgeable in every subject domain as they progress through school.
• uses knowledge as the basis so that students can the develop and master skills in each subject.
• develops the cultural capital of students from a knowledge and subject base, stretching to extra-curricular experiences, so that students can access the cultural and academic code of the modern world.
• integrates the school reading and communications policy, so that students can successfully read, and communicate verbally and in written form.
• has the EBACC at the core alongside a range of option subjects, so that students can access both academic subjects and subjects that enable an appreciation of human creativity.

The Curriculum at Key Stage 3 (periods per fortnight in brackets):

Art (2)Computing (2)Music (2)Religion and
world Views (2)
Technology (2)
Geography (4)History (4)Spanish (4)PE (4)
English (8)Mathematics (8)Science (8)

The Curriculum at Key Stage 4 (periods per fortnight in brackets):

Option ChoicesArt (5)Computer Science (5)DT RM (5)Food P and N (5)GCSE PE (5)ICT (5)Photography (5)Sports Science (5)Triple Science (5)
Humanity Option*Geography (5)History (5)
Directed OptionSpanish (5)Citizenship (3)Maths Study Plus (1/2) English Study Plus (1/2)
Core  English Language and Literature (9)Mathematics (8)Combined Science (9)Religion and World Views (2)PE (2)

*Students can choose to study both subjects

Students speaking English as an additional language also supported to complete GCSE in other languages as applicable.

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