Red Rose

Work hard, be kind

School Policies

Admissions Arrangements
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Anti-Bullying Policy
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Asthma Policy
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Attendance Policy
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Addendum Attendance Policy
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Attendance Policy – COVID 19 Addendum
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Behaviour Management Policy
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Bereavement Policy
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Charging and Remissions
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CLA and PCLA Policy
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Collective Worship
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Complaints Policy
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COVID-19 Catch Up Premium Plan
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Curriculum Policy Development
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Debit Card Policy
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Drug & Alcohol Policy
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E-Safety Policy
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Epipen Policy
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EVC Policy and Guidelines for Educational Off Site
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Health Safety Policy
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Healthy Eating Policy
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Home School Agreement
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Homework Policy
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Medicines Policy
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Online Safety Policy
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Prevent Policy
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Pupil Premium Strategy Statement
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Pupil Premium Review of Expenditure
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Recruitment & Selection Guide
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Safeguarding Policy
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Searching Screening and Confiscation Policy
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SEN Information Report
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Sex & Relationship Education Policy
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Single Equalities Policy & Action Plan
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Smoke Free Policy
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Visitors Policy
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Whistle Blowing Policy
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