Red Rose

Work hard, be kind

SEND Information Report

At Lathom High School, every teacher is a teacher of every child including those with SEND.

SEND Vision at Lathom High School:

“For all SEND students to enjoy life of Lathom High School, reaching their goals and celebrating their achievements.
For all SEND students to believe and have the stimulus to express themselves, to grow and develop and become confident in their learning.

For all SEND students to achieve through guidance and consistent reassurance, meeting all individual needs, providing opportunities to enrich learning and help make good progress.”

Our SEND profile for 2021- 2022 shows that we have around 20% of students on roll identified as having SEND. The range of needs identified includes:

  • Cognition and Learning –  including Maths, Reading, Writing and Spelling
  • Communication and Interaction – including Speech and Language, Social Interaction
  • Physical and sensory –Disabilities including Mobility, Sight and Hearing
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health – including ADHD, ADD, attachment, anxiety, depression and behaviour difficulties

N.B: Each term Learning Register is reviewed and updated.

At Lathom High School we are committed to working together with all members of our school community. We believe that all students should be PROUD of all aspects of their learning, ensuring a culture of achievement for all is created.

We endeavour to create an inclusive culture and we aim to be responsive to the diversity of children’s backgrounds, interests, experience, knowledge and skills in order for all students no matter what the individual need, to make the best possible progress. This is supported by the high quality of teaching at Lathom High School where every teacher is a teacher of every child or young person including those with SEND, and provision takes into account each student’s specific needs. 

The high quality of teaching for all learners at Lathom High School is tracked and monitored closely to ensure a positive learning environment is created to meet the needs of all learners. Tracking progression for all learners through a continuous cycle of assess, plan, do and review ensures learning is taking place and good progress is being made.

Some of our students may require additional support so that they can access the curriculum and make progress at their own level.

Identifying and Supporting Special Educational Needs at Lathom High School

Mrs Stephens: A parent testimonial. Prior to our son having a bleed on his brain we had never had to access SENDD services. Since returning to school, the staff at Lathom have been amazing in their help supporting our son. He has speech therapy which is followed up in school and Educational Psychologist input which has really helped with his recall. Support has been provided in class, in order to remove struggles, developing relationships with support staff and building confidence.
Our son lost a lot of confidence but with the help of the SENDDCO and the SENDD team, this is starting to return. Our journey would not be at this stage without the resources.

Special Educational Needs and provision can be considered as falling into four broad areas:

  • Communication and Interaction
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, Mental and Emotional Health
  • Sensory and/or Physical

At Lathom High School we place emphasis on early identification of pupils experiencing difficulties accessing learning and general school life. Learners may experience these difficulties for a number of reasons. The following may impact on progress and attainment:

  • Disability (the Code of Practice outlines the ‘reasonable adjustment’ duty for all settings and schools provided under the current Disability Equality legislation – these alone do not constitute SEND)
  • Attendance and Punctuality
  • Health and Welfare
  • English as an Additional Language (EAL)
  • Being in receipt of Pupil Premium Funding
  • Being a Looked After Child
  • Being a child of a Serviceman/woman

However, only those with a learning need that requires special educational provision will be identified as having SEND.

The SENDCo works closely with Primary Schools, Head of Year, Assistant Head of Year, Learning Support Assistants and Learning Mentors/Coaches  to analyse data on entry into Lathom High School. Data is analysed regularly and students are individually tracked and those experiencing difficulties are identified. Entry data, baseline information, SATs/PIVOTS, CATs and assessment are all used to identify children who require additional intervention in order to achieve. This allows teaching staff to work out what action school needs to undertake.

The Code of Practice (2014) suggests that pupils are only identified as having SEND if they do not make adequate progress once they have had all the intervention/adjustments and good quality personalised teaching.

Students will only be placed on the Learning Register if their needs are ‘additional to’ or ‘different from’ the quality differentiated teaching and learning opportunities. The Learning Register is kept by the SENDCo in consultation with staff. This is monitored closely and reviewed termly by the SENDCo and Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher according to the interventions and support that students are receiving.

Meeting the Needs of SEND in the Curriculum to SEND at Lathom High School

Wave 1:  Inclusive Classroom Practice 

At Lathom High School differentiated learning for all individual students is the first step in responding to pupils who may have SEND.

This means:

  • That the teacher has the highest possible expectations for all pupils in their class
  • That all teaching is built on what children already know, can do and can understand
  • Different ways of teaching are in place so that children are fully involved in learning
  • Specific strategies (which may be suggested by specialist teachers or outside agencies) are in place to support children to learn
  • Communication between staff and parents is ongoing to inform how their child is progressing

Quality of teaching for all pupils is regularly reviewed, including those at risk of underachievement.

Student progress is constantly assessed and reviewed and any gap or gaps in their understanding/learning will be identified and addressed through targets and interventions. The decision to make Special Educational Needs Provision involves SENDCo, Line Manager and Head of Year. All information about a student’s progress formed from high quality, accurate, formative assessment is considered alongside national data and expectations of progress. Parents and Carers and students are involved in decision making. This level of support is termed SEND Support and is school based. This may also include additional provision at Wave 2/3. The programmes of intervention and support for students reflect the need to access the whole curriculum.

Wave 2: Targeted Intervention

This is reviewed every half term from teacher feedback and when possible prior intervention records. Students will receive intervention to address their specific learning needs.

  • These may run in the classroom or in sessions outside of whole class learning
  • They are planned and prepared by specialist teachers and may be delivered by either teachers or learning support assistants
  • These are usually group sessions with specific targets to help children to make progress – targets are used in both group work and class work
  • Interventions will be assessed and monitored by the SENDCo
  • Parents are informed when their child is in intervention groups and targets and progress are shared

Wave 3: Specified Individual Support

Depending on needs of individual students, intervention that takes place in Wave 1 and 2 may not meet the needs of all students.

  • Some pupils will follow 1:1 work; such as if the learner has an Education Health and Care Plan or if they have been assessed by outside agencies.
  • Children with Social and Emotional and Mental Health needs are supported by Learning Support. This may either be our Learning Mentor or Counsellor.

For higher levels of need school may liaise with external agencies and professional. Specialist agencies we liaise with regularly include:

  • Speech and Language Therapy Service
  • Educational Psychology Service
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physiotherapists
  • School Health Services
  • Children and Adolescents Mental Health Services

Staff are trained regularly with regard to SEND and specific training is offered according to need. The School Health Services are available to train staff for any specific medical need.

We have learning support assistants who are employed across Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4. They are generally placed in classrooms where there are students with additional needs.  School actively encourages the development of independence so LSA do not generally sit next to students but rather take an active part in the classroom learning guided by the specialist subject teacher. It is the teacher’s responsibility to ensure that the students’ SEND needs are met.

Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of all pupils in their class, including students who may need additional support from learning support assistants or specialist staff.

We review educational processes for all students in school regularly.

An example of how the curriculum is well differentiated at Lathom High School: Upon entry to Year 7, staff at Lathom High School liaise closely with Year 6 Class Teachers and SENDCo’s at Primary Schools. We have identified that there is a percentage of students who may struggle to make the transition between Primary and Secondary Education. In order to support this move, Lathom High School has a specialist ‘Nurture’ provision that these identified students will be supported. All students follow the same assessment focus as the whole school. During the year, students are integrated into mainstream Year 7 groupings that match their learning ability, where quality first teaching and differentiation will take place. The timescale of this is all unique to each individual student during the academic year.

Monitoring and Evaluating SEND provision at Lathom High School

Once a concern is raised, the SEND department in Lathom High School has a wide range of SEND assessment tools available with which to identify the student’s need(s), taking into account previous experiences of the student, prior progress and attainment, and behaviours for learning.  Before any additional provision is selected to help students, the SENDCo, teacher, parent/carer and student, agree what they expected to be different following intervention. An initial observation will take place, which can be used to compare the impact of the provision and then the necessary adjustments, interventions and support will be selected and integrated in a plan with the aim meeting the learning outcomes where a student requires SEND support. The students will be tested on a termly bases to assess impact.  All students on the SEND Support Register have a Learning Support Plan which is reviewed every term. Targets may be set and reviewed each term. Interventions will be put in place to support students who have not met their target.

A review will evaluate the impact of the intervention given to the students. This will be done annually for those students with statements/EHC Plans. This is a more formal meeting with documentation sent to Lancashire County Council. This meeting involves parents/careers, relevant school staffing, outside agencies and student. Paperwork is shared concerning the needs of their child. Pupil voice is a central part to this review.

All students have a tracking report which is sent out to parents/carers. There are opportunities for parents to communicate with school during Consultation Evening and Parent Drop-Ins (face to face or virtually) as well as pre-arranging meetings with the SENDCo, Student and Family Intervention Team or Head of Year to discuss needs of students.

Supporting and Monitoring Students on the SEND Register at Lathom High School

Every class teacher, working alongside other professionals both in and out of school, is responsible for evidencing progress. Student’s attainment and progress is reviewed termly and targets and interventions are put in place for the next academic window.

At Lathom High School we pride ourselves in developing a culture in which talking emotions and feelings, mental health and well-being is accepted and asking for help is a strength. Our Inclusion Team provide the extra support for students with the above needs and information is shared between all teaching staff and students.

The class teacher has access to documentation such as:

  • Students Individual Learning Support Plans
  • Strategies to Support Students with SEND

Targets may be set on the above documents which teachers can refer back to and support learning in the classroom.

Students and families are involved in planning for progress through regular discussions. The student’s voice is central to every review of feedback.

At Lathom High school we endeavour to maintain the strong links with other agencies. We work alongside:

  • Independent, Advise and Support Liaison Officers
  • Local Children’s Centres
  • Children’s Social Care
  • School Nurse Team
  • Educational Psychologists
  • Specialist Teachers

We use the Early Help Assessment process and Team Around the Family (TAF) to facilitate links with other agencies.

Accessibility at Lathom High School

Referring back to our whole school vision to be PROUD of, all students at Lathom High School have equal opportunities regardless of SEND. Reasonable adjustment is carried out to ensure that all students can participate in activities and outward bound trips. Inclusion is a focal point at Lathom High School and every step is taken to make sure that every student is included in every aspect of school life. Risk assessments are undertaken for all school trips and individual risk assessments are taken out for pupils in conjunction with the parent, school nurse or outside agencies.

Lathom High School is a smaller size secondary school with one main building across three floors. Each floor has a direct accessible exit to ground level.  Each floor is connected by an accessible lift.  All corridors and classroom are wheelchair friendly.  In addition, there are 6 modular classrooms which are fully accessible.  Some corridors and stairways are narrow.  There is potential for congestion at lesson changeover in some areas so movement requires careful handling.

The school does not use height adjustable tables as a general rule.  School has a range of different height tables and chairs to support access to resources.  Adjustable foot rests are also available on a number of chairs upon request.

Our newly furnished Food Technology suite has height adjustable tables and specialised accessible cooking equipment.

School has Accelerated Reader which is a software programme that can assist reading via a computer. Laptops are available on request for students experiencing difficulties with handwriting.

There are a number of families with children at the school whose first language is not English.  School are able to transcribe letters from English to the preferred language if necessary.  Arrangements can also be made upon request to have an interpreter present at meetings in school.

Coloured overlays are provided where appropriate as well as coloured paper.  Once this support has been identified teachers are asked to encourage students to be responsible for their specific identified support and requirements. 

School used Accelerated Reader, Bedrock Literacy programme alongside he phonics support. It can be accessed in school or remotely from home to enhance their interventions and embed their learning om school environment to home.

Accessible changing and separate toilet facilities are available with a hoist.

Specialist supported SEND transport to school is available via the local authority.

A lift is available in order for students with a physical disability to access all levels and areas of school.

Accessible parking spaces are at the front and to the side of the building. Ramps are provided for all exits from the school.

All transition is fully support by Lathom High School. Students and families have the opportunities to visit school at their convenience and transitional visits begin during the Summer Term for students who we feel, through communication with families and primary schools will needed extended support during the transition period.

A summer school is offered to help the transition between Primary and Secondary and prepares students by working with new staff and other pupils, as well as adapting to different approaches to discipline and learning.

As well as entering Lathom High School, we also support all students when exiting Lathom High School. All students are encouraged to attend College/Sixth Form open days. Throughout a student’s journey at Lathom, visits to local College/Sixth Forms are planned to prepare for their transition onto Post 16. During the Summer Term of Year 11, students attend ‘taster days’ at their chosen provider and an exchange of information is shared, usually with the Post 16 Pastoral team. We also encourage providers to attend final EHC review to share and prepare any targets students with SEND will carry forward.

Resources allocated for SEND at Lathom High School

All mainstream schools are provided with resources that they can use to support those with additional needs. Most of these resources are determined by a local funding formula discussed with the local schools forum.

Schools have an amount defined within their own budget, called the notional SEND budget. This is not a ring-fenced amount, and it is for the school to provide high quality appropriate support from the whole of its budget.

Resources are identified to meet individual needs through regular review of pupil attainment and progress. Communication between parents/carers is in place to keep up to date with the level of support and interventions their child is receiving and the effectiveness of said support. Promoting independence is a strand of Lathom High School’s PROUD statement and something which all students are encouraged to act upon on a daily basis.

Parents/Carers Involvement at Lathom High School

‘Parents Forum’ is a group of parents and staff at Lathom High School. Parents/Carers, family and friends of Lathom High School meet regularly to discuss school development, how the group can work with the school and promote it in the community. Please see the website for more details.

Dealing with Complaints in regard to SEND at Lathom High School

If any parent/carer has any concerns regarding the education of their child with SEND they should contact school immediately and make an appointment to see Mrs Catherine Carter – SENDCo, or their child’s Head of Year. All complaints will be dealt with sensitively and with the child’s needs and care at the heart of our work.

Contact Details of Support of SEND at Lathom High School

The person responsible for managing SEND provision (SENDCo) in Lathom High School: Mrs Catherine Carter
SEND Line Manager: Mr Paul Livesley
Designated Lead for Safeguarding: Mr Paul Livesley

Safeguarding Officer: Mrs Jane Stanton
Children Looked After Lead: Mrs Catherine Carter
Children with Medical Needs: Mrs Catherine Carter/Mrs Janet Marshall
Special Educational Needs and Disability Officer (SEND) from the Local Authority: Louise Birchall

For more information about supporting SEND please visit Special educational needs and disabilities – local offer – Lancashire County Council

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