Red Rose

Work hard, be kind

SEND Information Report

Lathom High School is a mainstream secondary school. At Lathom, our students thrive within our highly inclusive community, which is committed to providing an ambitious but supportive curriculum, designed to be adaptable to meet the needs of all our students. We believe that all our students should be PROUD of all aspects of their learning, ensuring a culture of achievement for all that encourages and celebrates diversity and difference. Our school ethos ‘Work hard, be kind’ underpins all that we do. Our Life at Lathom offer aims to develop students into confident and resilient learners, for them to develop a love of learning and to encourage them to explore opportunities to step outside of their comfort zone whilst not neglecting the need to develop wider life skills that they can use to underpin their future development.

SEND is categorised into the following areas in the SEND code of practice (2014):

  • Cognition and Learning –  including Maths, Reading, Writing and Spelling
  • Communication and Interaction – including Speech and Language, Social Interaction
  • Physical and sensory –Disabilities including Mobility, Sight and Hearing
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health – including ADHD, ADD, attachment, anxiety, depression and behaviour difficulties

September 2024 SEND data information:

• Lathom currently has 795 students on roll.
• There are currently 153 students (19.2%) on the SEND register.
• 128 students (16.1%) at school SEND support level.
• 25 students (3.1%) with an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP).
Each term the SEND Support register is reviewed and updated by the SENDCo.

How does the school know if children/young people need extra help and what should I do if I think my child/young person has special educational needs?

At Lathom High School we place emphasis on early identification for students experiencing difficulties accessing learning and general school life. Learners may experience these difficulties for several reasons. However, only those with a learning need that requires special educational provision that is ‘additional to’ and/or ‘different from’ what is met through quality first teaching will be identified as requiring school SEND support.

The SENDCO and Assistant Headteacher work closely with local primary schools. Through our strong transition process, we ensure we are fully aware of each student’s needs before they begin their journey at Lathom. Entry data including SATs and further baseline information such as CATs and subject assessments are all used to identify students who may require additional intervention to achieve. This allows the SENDCO and relevant staff to work out what action school needs to undertake to support our students. Data is analysed regularly, and students are individually tracked so those experiencing difficulties are identified early and monitored closely. Students with identified complex needs are supported with extended transition sessions at Lathom to ensure their transition process is as smooth as possible. Similarly, when a child arrives at Lathom mid-term, we liaise closely with previous schools to ensure we have the knowledge and understanding of each student with SEND in order to put appropriate support in place.

Any member of staff can make a referral to the SENDCO at any point throughout the academic year, to ensure our student’s needs are identified and supported. Likewise, concerns raised by parents and carers will also be investigated and dealt with appropriately. A student, where concerns have been raised, will then be placed on the monitoring register and we begin to follow the graduated approach of ‘Assess, Plan, Do and Review.’ In identifying a student’s needs they may be assessed through:

  • Observation by SENDCO or another specialist
  • Reports collected from the perspective of teaching staff
  • Specialised screening e.g. dyslexia screening, working memory screening
  • Referral to relevant external agencies e.g. specialist teacher, CAMHS

After the appropriate cycles of Assess, Plan, Do and Review, the SENDCO will decide if a student needs to be placed on the SEND register in consultation with parents/carers. Targets that the student are working towards and the support they are receiving will be shared with the student and parents/carers. All students on the SEND register will have additional support through an Individual SEND Plan (ISP), which is reviewed regularly throughout the year, along with the parents/carers and the student. Teaching staff contribute to ISP reviews and target setting during progress data collection. The SEND team use this data to update each students’ ISP. Progress is closely monitored and students that are making expected progress may then be removed from the SEND register if deemed appropriate by the SENDCO.

If a parent has concern about their child, then there are several staff members they can talk to. Whilst the SENDCO would be the main member of staff with whom parents are able to discuss their SEND related concerns with, other relevant members of staff include Head of Year, Assistant Head of Year, learning coaches, classroom teachers and the LSA team. Parents can raise these concerns at any point throughout the year but are also encouraged to speak to the relevant staff members at parents’ evenings.

What arrangements does the school make for consulting with children/young people
with special educational needs and disabilities about and involving them in
their education?

At Lathom student views are particularly important; young people have a right to be involved in decisions about their education and they are made aware of the support that surrounds them in school. All SEND support systems at Lathom are student centred. Our students are fully involved and their views feed directly into all policies, procedures, and daily teaching of students with SEND.

If students feel that they are struggling with a specific area of their education, they can raise their concerns with the staff who support them, such as teaching staff, pastoral staff or the LSA team. Concerns will be listened to and recorded, shared with parents/carers, and will be acted on to see if any additional support is required.

Students are invited to take part in their annual reviews if they have an EHCP. Some students may feel less comfortable than others taking part in the meeting process and if this is the case, their views will be recorded and shared on their behalf. All students with Individual SEND Plans (ISP’s) meet regularly with a key member of the LSA team to contribute to their ISP’s, so that their voice is heard. Within their ISP’s, students record their strengths, aspirations, needs and how best to support them. The students reflect on their progress towards their current targets, and this is tracked within their ISP.

Students are given regular opportunities to:

  • Self-assess how they are doing.
  • Attend meetings and help decide the support needed.
  • Feedback and Review progress/interventions.

What arrangements does the school make for consulting with the parents & carers of children/young people with special educational needs and disabilities and involving them in their child’s/young people’s education?

    At Lathom High School we work closely with parents/carers and recognise that they have much to contribute to our support for students with SEND. If we feel that a student has a Special Educational Need, which has not already been identified, parents/carers are informed and a course of action is set out, to ensure that the need is identified, and appropriate support is put in place.

      Annual reviews are held for students with an Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP) in accordance with statutory guidance and parents/carers attendance at these meetings is an integral part of the review process. Advice is provided by the school, external agencies as appropriate, the student and the parents/carers and is shared in advance of the meeting. Students are also asked to contribute and take part in these meetings, to ensure that their voice is heard. If students have an EHCP, or any additional learning needs, parents/carers and the student are invited to be an active part of the planning process for interventions and are actively encouraged to be as involved as possible in their child’s education through regular contact with school. These meeting are used to celebrate your child’s learning, looking at the progress they have made against the targets set, create new targets, and discuss next steps.

      A parental portal via Synergy is also available for parents/carers to use, to gain an understanding of how their child is progressing in school. Additionally, parents/carers are invited to attend parents’ evenings, transition evenings and any further meetings, to discuss their child’s education. The SENDCO is available at parents’ evenings to discuss any concerns with parents/carers. Reports are also issued termly and if necessary, parents can arrange to meet with the SENDCO or other relevant members of staff to discuss any concerns they may have.

      We also hold coffee mornings through the academic year where parents/carers can meet up and support each other in a safe environment. During these sessions, we gather parent feedback, direct to training courses and support groups and offer opportunities to meet up with outside agencies. During the year, a parental questionnaire is sent out to gain views on the school and the SEND provision.

      ‘Parents Forum’ is a group of parents and staff at Lathom High School. Parents/carers, family, and friends of Lathom High School meet regularly to discuss school development, how the group can work with the school and promote Lathom within the community.

      How will the curriculum be matched to my child/young person’s needs?

      At Lathom High School, we are an inclusive school. Wherever possible children are taught alongside their peers in flexible teaching groups. Quality first teaching strategies are employed by all teachers in the classroom to offer an inclusive approach to learning which allows all our students to access the learning environment.

      We use the EEF guidance ‘Five-a-day’ and embed the key principles into all our lessons.

      • Explicit instruction
      • Cognitive and metacognitive strategies
      • Scaffolding
      • Flexible grouping
      • Using technology

      However, we recognise that even with these strategies in place, some students may require additional support. This can be given through classroom-based support, from a team of LSAs, or through small group or 1:1 intervention sessions, with a qualified member of staff. As a school, we prioritise literacy, numeracy, and touch-typing interventions, to ensure students have the skills to access the curriculum and be independent in their learning. Additionally, we offer more specialised interventions to support specific areas of need such as dyslexia, social communication needs and emotional regulation difficulties. This layer of specialised support may be offered by a member of the SEND team or from the coaching team in small groups or 1:1 depending on the needs of the student.

      Additionally, students may find it beneficial to have specialist equipment, such as overlays, pen grips, ear defenders and assistive technology to support their learning. When needed, we will also consult with outside agencies to seek advice regarding the needs of certain students, to ensure we are employing relevant strategies to support our students with their learning.

      How accessible is the school environment?

      Lathom High School is one main building across three floors. Each floor has a direct accessible exit to ground level. Accessible parking spaces are at the front and to the side of the building. Ramps are provided for all exits from the school. There is an accessible toilet in school located near the main entrance.

      Each floor of the school building is connected by an accessible lift. All corridors and classrooms are wheelchair friendly. Some corridors and stairways are narrow so there is potential for congestion at lesson changeover in some areas, so movement requires careful handling. For students who struggle to navigate their way around the site, these students will be allowed to leave lessons a couple of minutes early, to ensure that they are able to move around the site in a safe manner.

      The majority of rooms have good acoustics, as they are carpeted and have window blinds and wall displays. There are speaker systems in most classrooms. Some areas such as the canteen and sports halls are poor acoustically. Staff are aware of sensory impaired students and provision is made for them through quality first teaching and support from Specialist Teachers. Steps and other key areas around the school site have been painted using florescent paint to help those with visual impairments travel around school safely.

      How are the school resources allocated and matched to children/young people’s special educational needs and disabilities?

      How is the decision made about the type and quantity of support my child/young person receives?

      Resources are allocated based on need. These resources are usually listed as a required provision in a student’s EHCP. However, if a student does not have an EHCP, the allocation of resources will be determined by the SENDCO in consultation with relevant staff. Parents/carers will be informed if their child requires any additional resources. As a school, we record additional provision and resources through the students Individual SEND Plan (ISP) and through synergy which are shared with all teaching staff and parents/carers. Each student’s ISP is updated regularly throughout the year.

      With regards to exam access arrangements, teaching staff are required to identify students who they feel have shown a need for additional arrangements in exams through their normal way of working in the classroom. Information is collected by the SENDCO, and students are put forward for testing if they do not already have a diagnosed medical need such as ADHD, ASD and visual/hearing impairment. Exam access arrangements are then only given once the students have qualified through the testing process. Parents/carers are informed to any access arrangements their child will receive before the GSCE examinations take place.

      How will both you and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will you help me to support their learning?

      Annual Reviews are held for students with EHCPs and during these meetings, the student’s progress towards their outcomes will be reviewed. Additionally, for students with an EHCP and for students who are identified as SEND support, progress is reviewed regularly, in line with subject progress assessments.

      Students are tracked by progress leaders and by the SENDCO. For those who are below target in specific areas, appropriate action is taken, and parents/carers are alerted to this. Progress reports are shared with parents/carers during the school year, and parents/carers also have the opportunity to meet with classroom teachers, progress leaders and the SENDCO at parents’ evening. SEND review meetings take place in addition to parents’ evenings, and parents/carers are invited to attend these meetings to discuss the individual progress of their child.

      Parents also have access to the parent portal via Synergy, which they can use to monitor how their child is progressing on a day-to-day basis. Parents can also request an additional meeting with the SENDCO or other relevant members of staff to discuss any concerns they have related to progress.

      What training have the staff supporting children/young people with SEND had or may they have?
      What specialist services or expertise are available at or accessed by the school?

      At Lathom we have a fully qualified SENDCO who holds the National Award for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. A member of the LSA team is a trained emotional literacy support assistant (ELSA) which offers further strength to the SEND team.

      All staff at Lathom undergo regular training with regards to supporting students with a wide range of needs across each academic year which also includes regular safeguarding training. The LSA team and coaching team are additionally trained to deliver specific interventions to our students and are trained in the specific needs to best support the individuals they work with. The SENDCO also provides in house training for all teaching staff and information relating to specific special educational needs is shared regularly throughout the year. The pastoral team are Team Teach trained to support and implement de-escalation strategies as required. Trained staff may use as necessary positive behaviour handling strategies to ensure safety for all.

      To ensure that staff are aware of medical conditions, training is offered to the whole staff body each year. If a student joins us, with us having no prior understanding of their condition, we would engage with relevant agencies and professionals to ensure the relevant training is given.
      At Lathom the SENDCO has access to an external specialist teacher and an educational psychologist. This additional layer of support is used as required to aid the graduated approach of Assess, Plan, Do and Review to ensure individual needs are being met. We also work closely with an outside mental health support agency called Compass Bloom that offer 1:1 sessions and some group sessions to targeted students at Lathom. The SENDCO consults closely with other health agencies such as Speech and Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy to ensure any recommended actions are embedded into school.

      How will the school prepare and support my child/young person to join the school, transfer to a new school or the next stage of education and life?

      At Lathom we proudly work closely to form strong professional relationships with both primary schools and colleges. We appreciate that moving on from primary school or high school is something which needs to be carefully planned, especially for our learners with SEND.

      As part of our robust transition process the SENDCO and Assistant Headteacher meet with each primary school during the summer term to discuss in detail each student that will be transitioning to Lathom. Students that are highlighted as requiring additional transition are then invited in to attend extended transition sessions with the SENDCO and LSA team. This process supports identified students to build relationships with key staff, make new friends and become more familiar with their new school environment. We also offer a summer school to further support the transition offer as well as a full transition day with the whole year group in the summer term. The SENDCO will also attend transition reviews as requested for EHCP students.

      For students with complex SEND needs such as those with an EHCP or students that will particularly struggle to make the transition due to their SEND needs, we now offer a transition class called 627. This model provides a bridge for our students moving from year 6 to 7. In 627 the students are supported by a smaller class size, within a ‘home’ class base and are supported by an additional adult. The students in 627 will experience specialist subject teachers within their ‘home’ base and will also move to subject specialist areas for practical subjects such as PE, DT, computing, and Science. In addition, the curriculum in 627 offers timetabled lessons that focus on emotional regulation support and social skills to ensure our students not only make the academic progress they need but also the social emotional progress they need to transition to year 8 successfully.

      In order to ensure that our students are fully prepared for life after Lathom, we ensure the following:

      • Y9 option choices for SEND students are overseen by the SENDCO to ensure that students are making choices which will give them the best opportunities when they leave school.
      • Each student receives careers support from our fully trained and dedicated careers advisor via careers interviews and this is discussed at the annual reviews in Years 9, 10 and 11 for students with EHCPs.
      • Y10 work experience is essential for all students and placements for students with SEND are carefully considered. Both parents and students are asked to contribute to the planning of such placements.
      • Students are provided with numerous opportunities in KS4 to visit post 16 providers.
      • 1:1 tours of colleges can be arranged.

      How will my child/young person be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips?

      At Lathom High School all students are encouraged to participate fully in activities and trips and will be provided with the necessary support to allow them to do so. Information regarding trips and activities is communicated via Synergy. Most residential educational visits are preceded by a parental meeting to convey relevant information and offer the opportunity for individual concerns to be addressed. Staff will consult with parents/carers and, if necessary, health professionals to ensure individual needs can be met. Any additional advice will be disseminated to the staff leading the activity in order for it to be incorporated into the Risk Assessment.

      During the school day, there are several extra-curricular activities available for students to try and all staff encourage the attendance of students with SEND. We are PROUD of our inclusive and extensive extra-curricular offer and attendance of SEND students is high. In addition, there are a number of SEND specific sporting events which take place over the academic year for our students to engage with. We also offer homework club every day in the library after school which is staffed by the LSA team specifically to support our students with their homework.

      For students who require a nurturing environment during social times, 627 and the library is a space which is open for students to eat their lunch and socialise with their peers in an environment that they can feel safe and secure. Students who find the start and the end of the day overwhelming can access in and out of school through the front of the school to avoid the crowds. Students are also encouraged to attend the library for morning club and homework club to support their transitions between home and school.

      What support will there be for my child/young person’s overall well-being?

      At Lathom High School, we pride ourselves in developing a culture in which talking emotions and feelings, mental health and well-being is accepted and asking for help is a strength. The first point of contact for all students during the school day is their pastoral support team which includes their form tutor, Assistant Head of Year and Head of Year. Each student’s pastoral team are available to support their well-being on a day-to-day basis. However, some students benefit from additional support, and this can be offered by several different staff in school depending on the required need.

      At Lathom attendance and punctuality to school is high priority for all our students to access their learning and to prepare our students for life after Lathom. We have a team of pastoral staff that work with students and families to improve attendance and a Safeguarding and Attendance Officer who supports, through interventions and close liaison with parents/carers for students experiencing Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA). All students receive regular incentives to support their attendance to school. Thrive, our internal alternative provision, is a space in school which is used to support identified students with their behaviour and attendance.

      For students who require medicines, these are locked away within the medicine cabinet and are administered only by key staff. Any medicines will only be given to students who have signed consent from a parent/carer and verbal consent must also be given. For students who have more complex health needs, a health care plan may be required.

      As detailed in our anti bullying policy any incidents of bullying are recorded and taken seriously. Bullying is not tolerated, and any concerns raised are dealt with quickly and effectively by the pastoral team. To ensure inclusivity our students are regularly taught about diversity and acceptance of others. Students with SEND are encouraged to contribute to all parts of school life and are further encouraged to apply for positions such a school council, librarians, and the prefect team.

      How do you evaluate the effectiveness of the provision made for children and young people with special educational needs?

      The effectiveness of the provision for SEND students is reviewed termly, and appropriate strategies are put in place to ensure the provision for students remains strong within their individual SEND plan (ISP). A review will evaluate the impact of the intervention given to the students with SEND and is completed with the student and a member of the LSA team to ensure student voice remains central to this process. In addition, ISP targets are tracked by class teachers and this data forms part of the target setting process for each student on the SEND register.

      For students with an EHCP, a formal review is conducted annually with documentation sent to Lancashire County Council. This meeting is student focused and involves the student, parents/careers, relevant school staffing and any external agencies that may be involved. Paperwork is shared concerning the strengths and the needs of their child. Student voice is a central part to this review.

      All students have a tracking report which is sent out to parents/carers. There are opportunities for parents to communicate with school during parent evenings and parent drop-ins (face to face or virtually) as well as pre-arranging meetings with the SENDCO and/or pastoral team to discuss needs of students.

      KS4 GCSE data is scrutinised at the beginning of each academic year and is shared with all teaching staff. A termly student voice is carried out with students and students are selected based on the departmental priorities. After every data input, including GCSE examinations, the SENDCO and SLT conduct a progress meeting to analyse the progress of SEND students and evaluate the effectiveness of provision.

      How do you involve other bodies, including health and social services, local authority support services and voluntary organisations, in meeting the needs of children/young people with SEND and in supporting their families?

      At Lathom High school we endeavour to maintain the strong links with other agencies. Some of the agencies we work alongside are listed below:

      • Independent, Advise and Support Liaison Officers
      • SEND Team at Lancashire County Council
      • Local Children’s Centres
      • Children’s Social Care
      • School Nurse Team and Specialist Nurses
      • Educational Psychologists
      • Specialist Teachers
      • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) including the Complex Needs Team
      • Speech and Language therapists
      • Occupational Therapy
      • SENDIAS
      • ADHD Northwest
      • Compass Bloom

      We use the Early Help Assessment process and Team Around the Family (TAF) Meetings to facilitate links with other agencies. Relevant professionals are invited to take part and contribute towards the EHCP annual reviews. The support of services involved with students are also drawn upon when required.

      What arrangements do you make in relation to the treatment of complaints from children/young people and their parents/carers with special educational needs concerning your provision made?

      If you should have any concerns or complaints regarding the treatment of your child or the provision available to them, you should contact school immediately and make an appointment to see Mrs Catherine Carter (SENDCO) or your child’s Head of Year.

      All complaints will be dealt with seriously and sensitively in order to support the needs of the child and their family. For more information on this process, you can find the school’s complaints policy on the school’s website.

      Who can I contact for support for the parents of children/young people with SEND?

      Lead Practitioner for SEND and SENDCO: Mrs Catherine Carter   Email:

      Assistant Headteacher & Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Jayne Stanton                  

      Designated Teacher for Children Looked After: Mrs Caroline Pickering

      Children with Medical Needs: Mrs Janet Marshall

      Contact school on 01695 725653 or and ask for the relevant staff member

      LCC Special Educational Needs and Disability Case Manager: Louise Birchall

      SEND Helpline: 01772 533900

      There are several services which offer support to families of children with SEND. These include:

      The Lancashire Family Information Service (FIS) which aims to provide quality, accessible and impartial advice and guidance on a full range of childcare and family support services, resources and issues led by the needs of children and their families, carers, employers, professionals and local and national government and their agencies. Information and advice are available via their helpline on: 0800 195 0137 or by email:

      The SEND Information Advice and Support Service also provides help and guidance for families. Information and advice are available via their helpline on: 0300 123 6706 or by email:

      Where can I find information on where the local authority’s local offer is published?

      For more information about supporting SEND please visit the local offer:

      Lancashire County Councils Local Offer SEND Helpline: 01772 533900

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