Red Rose

Work hard, be kind


Leadership Team

  • Headteacher

    Mr P Livesley

  • Senior Assistant Headteacher

    Mrs J Hongkins

  • Senior Assistant Headteacher

    Mrs K Watson

  • Assistant Headteacher

    Mrs J Stanton

  • Assistant Headteacher

    Mr M Sykes

  • School Business Manager

    Mrs J Marshall

Lead Practitioner for SEND and SENDCo – Mrs C Carter

Lead Practitioner for Personal Development – Miss J Clarke

Lead Practitioner for Behaviour – Ms L Whittaker

Head of YearAssistant Head of Year
Year 7Ms L LawsonMrs D Newnes
Year 8Miss H ForsterMrs A McCarthy
Year 9Mr T MorleyMrs S Connolly
Year 10Mr D McPhailMs D Grice
Year 11Ms J Sefton-MilesMr M Coles

Departmental Staff


Mrs S Hornby(Curriculum Lead)
Mrs J Phillips (Second in English)
Mrs S Boyers (Lead for Reading and Communications)
Mrs J Hongkins 
Mr C Anderson
Miss Z Sherborne
Ms L Lawson
Miss R Pue
Miss E Prendergast
Miss J Williams
Mrs J Stanton
Mrs D Baxter (English Academic Mentor)


Mr C Dahl (Curriculum Lead)
Mrs J Blundell (Second in Maths)
Mr M Sykes
Miss R Swords
Miss S Wright
Mr M Woods
Mr K Lockley
Miss S Carroll
Mrs K Eckersley (Maths Academic Mentor)


Mrs C Pickering (Curriculum Lead)
Mr M King
Mr J Mayor (Lead for Technology in Teaching and Learning)


Mr A Holding (Second in Humanities)
Ms J Sefton-Miles
Miss K Roe
Mrs S Anderson

Religion & World Views

Mr J Fletcher (Curriculum Lead)
Mr R Birchall (Second in Science)
Mrs L Mawdsley (Curriculum Development Lead)
Miss H Ainscough
Ms V Borrett
Mrs S Foster
Ms C Taylor
Mrs C Carter
Mrs N Kervin-Cooper (Science Academic Mentor / Science Technician)

Creative Arts

Mrs A Windridge (Curriculum Lead)
Miss T Langley (Art)
Miss R Smith (Art)
Mr T Morley (Music)
Mr J Elwood (Music)

PE, Health & Fitness

Miss D Kerslake (Curriculum Lead)
Miss H Forster
Mr D McPhail
Mr R Griffin


Miss R Forber (Subject Lead)
Mrs K Watson
Mr J Carway
Mr M Taylor
Ms J Sefton-Miles

Design Technology

Mrs S Tootle (Curriculum Lead)
Mrs C Hind
Ms A Waller
Miss R Smith
Miss L Ellis (DT Technician)

Computing & Business

Mr C Mooney (Curriculum Lead)
Mrs C Blundell

Support Staff


Ms S Taylor
Miss M Unsworth

Front Office

Mrs A Anderton (Office Manager)
Mrs E Wright (Receptionist)
Mrs K Lockley
Mrs P Laycock
Miss Z Van Beirendonck
Ms T Lee
Mr C Turner
Miss J Shacklady


Mrs C Brooke
Mrs C Brown
Mrs P Laycock

Data & Exams Officers

Mr A Morris
Mrs J Hongkins

Learning Support Team
Ms S Voce
Ms M Freeman
Mrs J Robinson
Mrs S Ryan
Mrs H Wills
Miss A Wiley
Mr M Preston
Mrs J Lemaire
Miss K Hughes
Mrs C Eloy
Mrs C Hall
Mrs C Ross
Miss K Barr

Pastoral Staff

Mrs D Stock (Learning Coach)
Miss S Fleming (Learning Coach)
Mrs R Hughes (Behaviour Support Manager)
Mrs A Nicholson (Behaviour Support Coach)


Mrs L Harrison (Catering Supervisor)
Mrs D Cruse (Senior Catering Assistant)
Mrs P Norris
Mrs N Shire
Ms K Simpson
Miss S Poulton
Ms C Wright


Mrs L Jepson (Facilities Manager)
Mr C McMaster (Facilities Assistant)
Mr A Riley (IT Technician/Site Assistant) 
Miss K Wright (Housekeeper)

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