Red Rose

Work hard, be kind

Important Information for all Students

There is now effectively only one exam season during the year – summer.  Therefore almost all of our exams will take place in the summer.

Before the start of the exam season

You will be issued with your own Individual Candidate Timetable.

Check that all the details are correct:

  1. Name correctly spelt – This is the name that will appear on the exam certificate
  2. Correct date of birth
  3. Have you been entered for the correct exams, and the correct tier – higher or foundation?

Every effort is made to ensure that your entries are correct, but mistakes can happen. It is very important that you check your entries as soon as possible. If you think you have been entered for the wrong exam, or have not been entered for an exam, please check with your teacher first of all. If you’re still not sure what to do, please come and see me as soon as possible and I will help to sort out any problems you might have.

Preparing for the exams

Make sure that you are properly prepared and equipped. ALL exams now require you to write with a BLACK PEN, make sure that you have a good supply with you for every exam that you are taking. It is surprising how many students turn up for an exam with nothing to write with. If you are taking a science or maths exam you may need a calculator.

Regularly check the exam noticeboard. This is situated near the PE changing rooms and will be updated with important information including, nearer the start of the exams, seating plans, any changes to start times, any changes to exam room.

During the exam season

Exam start times. It is very important that you arrive on time for your exam, if you arrive after the exam has started you may not be allowed to take the exam.

  • Morning exams will start at 9:00am. You should be in school for registration, get your mark and then make you way to line up outside the PE changing rooms in seat order. You should be lining up by 8.50am.
  • Afternoon exams will normally start at 1:30pm. For a normal afternoon exam students should be lining up by 1:20pm,
  • Extended 2 hour afternoon exams, will start at 1:15pm. Students will take an early lunch. For an extended afternoon exam students should be lining up by 1:05pm
  • During the exam season, the school will move to having 3 lessons in the morning, lunch and then 2 lessons in the afternoon to enable us to fit in afternoon exams

Mobile phones, MP3 players and smart watches (e.g. Apple watches and Fitbits) 

These MUST be handed in before the start of the exam – you will be given a token so that you can claim back your phone after the exam has finished. To avoid having to queue I suggest that you leave your phone at home on the days you have an exam.


A requirement from Summer 2018 is that students are not allowed to wear a wristwatch during the exam.  If they are wearing one they must remove it and leave it clearly visible on their exam desk.

Access to toilets during the examinations 

Students are not allowed access to the toliet during examinations unless it is an absolute emergency or a medical condition.  There are really strict rules around this and students must take responsibilty for managing their toilet visits before and after the exam.

Illness and absence 

If you are genuinely ill and unable to attend any of your exams please phone the school as soon as possible and, at least, before the start of the exam. If you are ill but still able to sit the exam, please let your Head of Year or Mr Sykes know before the exam. In certain circumstances we can apply for ‘Special Consideration’, but this would require some medical evidence from the hospital concerned. If you become ill during an exam, let a member of staff know.  In all cases, a doctor’s note will be required to have any chance of getting any special consideration.

End of examinations 

There are strict rules around when you can leave an examination.  You must stay until the examination is completed and you are formally dismissed by the staff invigilating the exam.  If you finish early (which will happen), you should check your work to make sure that you have answered all the questions that you can and that you have not made any careless errors.

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