Careers Overview At Lathom High School we work hard to ensure that all our students are fully prepared to take their next steps and to go on and have rewarding and successful careers. We offer independent careers guidance to all students. The CEIAG provision aims to meet The Gatsby Benchmarks, which are a national framework containing eight guidelines that define the best careers provision in schools and colleges.These are the eight Gatsby Benchmarks: A stable careers programmeLearning from Career & Labour Market InformationAddressing the needs of each pupilLinking curriculum learning to CareersEncounters with employers & employeesExperience of workplacesEncounters with further and higher educationPersonal guidance > Personal Development Overview KS3 Personal Development Overview KS4 CEIAG Policy CEIAG Newsletter Below are links and information about your career or further education options after leaving Lathom High School. AlumniLearn more >ApprenticeshipsLearn more >College InformationLearn more >EmployersLearn more >FeedbackLearn more >Labour Market InformationLearn more >Post 16 OptionsLearn more >University InformationLearn more >